Select one of the following statements from the Anticipation Guide for Hamlet.
Take a position regarding the statement. Do you agree? Disagree? Strongly disagree? There is no right answer for these statements BUT you must defend your position with a strong argument. You may use examples from life and literature to support your reasoning.
Your response should be one solid paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting evidence.
When you post your comments, you must also include three pieces of information:
a. Your first name and last initial.
b. Your class and block.
c. Write out the statement you are responding to as your title.
Anticipation Guide Statements
1. Families generally have a member’s best interests in mind.
2. Having a clear goal, and the ambition to achieve it, is honourable.
3. Power eventually corrupts the people who have it.
4. Revenge is the only way to gain true justice.
5. A person’s immoral choices can come back to haunt him/her
6. One must take a stand against injustice, even if the personal cost is great.
7. A person has to confront death in order to understand life’s meaning.
8. Moral courage is more difficult to accomplish than physical courage.
9. Evil often spirals out of control.